Kudos to ScreenCastsOnline
We're taking a break from the pontificating to report that I've had some success at posting my audio feed here at http://oirc.libsyn.com/ and publishing it to iTunes. LibSyn is pretty usable and pretty cheap.
That should take care of half of the equation.
Now I have to work on my production environment, which is currently in useless figurative rubble at the other end of my condo. So much money spent and I can't even get AirPort Extreme signals to transmit from one end of the place to the other. You can't beat plaster on lath over brick shell building construction but sometimes you wish you could. Wireless works through the floor and ceiling but not through the wall. Geez!
And I'm not too happy with other things either (Like, how do I clone this damn G4 powerbook hard drive so that I can move everything to my G5 iMac which as four times the RAM and three times the clock speed?)
The audios and videos are intended to complement, supplement, condense and clarify the textual material which can be found on this blog.
I still like using a wiki for a collaborative work space but I must admit the blog concept rocks for uneditable works. All you can do is comment on things.
This milestone is brought to you courtesy of the instructional vodcasts I found at Screen Casts Online and the great and useful information by Don McAllister that I found there. Go there and vote for them at PodCast Alley.
Yahoo!! I'm the OiRc Podcast on the iTunes Music Store. My test 'casts are working. :-)
Now that the preliminaries are over, I can get on with the rest of the work.
Although my SysAdmin friend just called and said I had someone hacking into my Linux box as root from the NETHERLANDS. Damn... Small world, ain't it?
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